Saturday, May 02, 2009

car trouble

All I needed was a 70. Those we're the thoughts that went through my head on my 16th b-day as I was walking into the DMV to take my driving test. I passed with a solid 72 and it took me 28yrs to have my 1st car accident, which happened to be in Cape Town South Africa in the midst of a great move of God. I'm not going to be driving on the wrong side of the road anytime soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Humans falling out of the sky!

Do you really believe that all things, even bad ones, work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose? You will once you hear about Willie Hendricks falling 2 stories to the concrete below! God is so in control! 

Monday, April 06, 2009

Fields of Bogata

"I will prepare myself, for one day my time will come" Abraham Lincoln. Here's another one: "Preparation will always meet opportunity!" That's a line I heard this past weekend from Morgan Stevens at the Campus Harvest Conference in North Carolina. When you're prepared, God will meet you and do extraordinary things in you and through you. Ten Days in Bogota was definitely no exception! I can still see the eyes of those who witnessed God's supernatural deliverance!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Therapy Time

Have you ever had someone just point blank you with a question? That's what our bus driver Geraldo did one early morning in Baja Mexico. It was definitely unpredictable and I've never forgotten it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Alive!!!

I believe there are few qualities that have as much impact in building the kingdom of God as courage and boldness. Sometimes you just have to get outside yourself and be a "fool" for God. It's then, when you humble yourself and step out of your comfort zone, that Christ is released in fullness. That's what happen when the word of God "came alive" in Australia!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A simple story in a simple place

If you have a desire to serve, Ten Days has a place for you. What’s so wonderful about missions is that everyone has a part to play. Be encouraged with the story of Eric, whom I’m calling an “unlikely hero”. You’ll never know how God can use you until you step out and become available!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Running to the Water

Ten days is for everyone and anyone! Just ask Cindy Williams, a then, single mom of 2 young daughters. Here’s her own words: “It was so exciting to consider the impact the trip to Latvia could have for my 13 yr old daughter and I, but disappointing as we went to the initial meetings and realized we needed to “raise” $4600. It was difficult to imagine how we could come up with that kind of money but we mustered up our faith and joined our team in weekly fasting and prayer. Unbeknownst to me, my brother and his wife had been saving money for “missions”. He got our letter and when I went to the mailbox and opened his letter, hoping for several hundred dollars, yet it was the entire $4600!!
None of us will ever forget this unpredictable moment of that trip. On our last day there, we were baptizing many young Russians and Latvians in the Baltic Sea. Looking on, was one beautiful young Latvian who had been in Cindy’s group all week and had resisted in her surrender to Christ. Upon seeing so many of her peers transformed she began to cry out to God. It was then we saw Cindy, fully dressed on the shore, come running into the sea to embrace this new child of God. She led her in a prayer of confession to Christ and right then baptized her!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From Russia with Fries

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. I've probably had 100's in my lifetime. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I've just described the signature burger for the global fast food giant McDonald's. It's the world famous Big Mac. My whole perspective of food changed one summer evening of '98 in St. Petersburg Russia. We had just finished a wonderful meeting where God really moved and changed the destiny of several young Russians. It was time to celebrate and we were all going out for a meal. After several days of beet soup and "mystery meat" I made an executive decision to take our team of 11 and and whoever else wanted to join us to Mcee Dees. Michael Paderes, the pastor, approached me and said that none of the 40 Russians would be able to join our American team because they couldn't afford it. I found out later that most of them had never even eaten at McDonalds. We all went out and had more Big Macs, fries, shakes and apple pies than you could count. What's amazing was that it all cost me about a hundred bucks! Be thankful for all that you have and pray for those all over the world who are going to bed hungry tonight! Ten Days changed my perspective and changed my life!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Buckle Your Seatbelts!

I’m so excited that you’ve decided to check out my blog. Ten Days has radically change my life! We know from scripture that God’s heart is for the nations and that His eyes are looking for those who will join Him in the harvest. I'm convinced the Ten Days Missions Experience will remove your fears, insecurities and limitations and allow you to touch the God who does exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ever ask or think. My challenge is that you would go and change the world, one life at a time. Dream big and may you love like you’ve never loved, serve like you’ve never served, and preach like you’ve never preached. I know from experience that all it takes is Ten Days. Ten Days to change your life, change your church, and change the world!